I apologize for this belated report. Moreover, I am sorry for being unable to take a picture of my table as well, and that the amount of photos I have for the event are lacking. Regardless, I hope this report remains somewhat interesting to read.  (´・ω・`)
This would be my second year attending Ninja-con, which was a local convention primarily located at Japanese-American Cultural Community Center, Little Tokyo, Los Angeles, CA. The event only ran for a single day on Saturday, June 6, 2015.
I missed the initial rush of sign-ups, so I was sorely disappointed and entertained dismal thoughts of having to miss out of a little local con I enjoyed last year. Fortunately, Lemishie saved the day by offering half of her table~!! (´ï¹`ლ)Thank you!!
Although, days later, I received a message from the coordinator that he could let me have the table that another artist had to let go, so I snatched it up right away, haha. I later notified Lemishie, and we arranged our tables to be neighbors. (≧◡≦)
I was able to get a table for myself this year, so I made sure to bring ample wire cubes for my display. Otherwise, my preparations from past conventions remain unchanged. Although, since I drove, I consented to bringing the entire box of wire cubes instead of carrying them in my luggage.
I ended up having to reprint my older-styled business cards in the end, even though I had wished to create a more recent design. I shall prepare the updated design by Anime Expo.
Due to my friend LeMishie being unable to get a ride on the way, I drove to the venue. I parked at the venue as well, which costs $10 for the duration. If I had my way, I would have taken public transportation again, because it’s one less worry in terms of breaking even.
Artist Alley
Table Assignment: I had the table to myself this year, and I was located at [table 15]. A map visual was absent this year, but with the artist alley being very small, that wasn’t necessary, I suppose. I was table neighbors with Lemishie~
Set Up: I cannot really recall how my display looked, but I remain adamant on displaying my posters as much as possible, display my bookmarks on a board and hanging it on the lower level of the display, and displayed my smaller prints wherever I could. Due to the amount of space I have, I displayed my print albums prominently.
Report: With this being a single day event, there was not much to remark about the event, haha. After a string of relatively active artist alley runs, this one was quite languid.
For starters, the room where the artist alley was held was the same as last year’s. Moreover, any form of AC was sorely absent. I could almost sympathize the con-goers who were unable to stay in the room very long. It was quite stifling. I sincerely hope that matter gets looked into for next year.
I dressed casually, and donned my usual blonde wig. I wore a new, but hastily put together hortense flower crown. I didn’t feel like wearing a costume during a single day event, and my newest costume hadn’t arrived yet. I plan to wear the newer costume during Anime Expo.
Set-up did not take long, since my helper brother was around. I later sent him to go help with Lemishie set up her wire cube display.
Compared to past conventions, I only worked on one chibi commission this year. Due to the lack of onsite commission patrons…Â I ended up spending the day casually drawing, inking, and coloring some doodles. I may append this entry with the artwork in question later on. The notable drawings I worked on was of a inked artwork pouting Mercedes and frog Ingway from Odin Sphere, and a pencil-colored artwork of Agnes from Bravely Default.
Some staff later gave out boxes of matcha (green tea) Pocky to artists. Thank you! My brother would later bring back several more, haha. Speaking of food, my lunch consisted of sandwiches bought on sale from a supermarket I frequent. Beverages mostly comprised of water, but I believe my brother bought some more varied drinks later on.
If I were to describe the activity, I felt that the scene was slower than last year’s, which was disappointing since I had a great time last year.
After the convention, my brother and I along with friends Lemishie and Yang had dinner somewhere at Little Tokyo. I fail recall the restaurant name, I’m sorry! It was my first time going, and to be honest, had we were not invited, I would have never stepped into the establishment since I’m so budget-conscious.
Anyway, here is a photo of my dinner. It was very filling and delicious! ( ̄∇ ̄)
Afterward, we split up to go our own ways. I had hoped to pay a visit to several stores in the area, but they were closed. In the end, I drove back home. xD
I merely broke even this year.  (´・ω・`); I hope I do better next year.
I don’t know if I’ll get a table to myself again next year as it was a stroke of luck (and I suppose, some persistent contacting), but I’ll just wait and see what happens.